速報APP / 娛樂 / Aapka Bhagy in Hindi

Aapka Bhagy in Hindi





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Aapka Bhagy in Hindi(圖1)-速報App

Aapka Bhagy in Hindi

What is Fate?

Aapka Bhagy in Hindi(圖2)-速報App

Is It Predetermined and Can We Change It?

You change your bad fate into good.

Aapka Bhagy in Hindi(圖3)-速報App

By changing your fate our destiny ,you can achieve everything in your life.

We are well aware that Astrology is a science.

Aapka Bhagy in Hindi(圖4)-速報App

Many times ,despite of good effort we are not able to succeed in our life due to our bad fate,this app will show he way how to change your bad fate into good fate.

Fate or destiny is often regarded as the “course that life takes” and karma is one of the factors that influence this course.

Aapka Bhagy in Hindi(圖5)-速報App

People often believe that fate is per-destined and nothing can be changed, but is this is not true.

Aapka Bhagy in Hindi(圖6)-速報App